
¿Se habla English? Life of a Translator

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Main Week (let me explain)

As you may know, Easter (whether you observe it or not) is tomorrow. Yesterday was Good Friday.

Having lived in the United States for almost 12 years, I think I have finally adjusted to the way people observe this holiday (egg hunts, Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies), as opposed to the way it is observed in my homeland (government holiday on Good Friday a.k.a. Viernes Santo, processions of people reenacting the Passion, religious programs on TV, a beach trip for some).

I received an e-mail this week from somebody in Central America. The message ended with the sender's good wishes for me "durante esta Semana Mayor" (emphasis and boldface mine). Semana Mayor literally stands for Main Week. It took me a while to figure out that he was referring to what I had always called the Holy Week.


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