
¿Se habla English? Life of a Translator

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Change of address

As of yesterday, I have started to blog at Wordpress. Any future writing can be found at http://sehablaenglish.wordpress.com.

¡Hasta luego!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Not a creature was stirring..

Honestly. Given my current computer troubles and having to have my motherboard replaced, I tried to use a clever pun on the word motherboard ("my motherboard, myself"? Wasn't that a title of an episode of Sex and the City?) Apparently, my brain is devoid of inspiration after working on this project that is due Monday.

The good news is that despite a week's delay, I was able to restart my translation project and should be able to meet my deadline. The bad news? Not all programs work the way they are supposed to. As long as I retain Internet access and remain capable of using TRADOS and Word, I should be fine.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


One week without my motherboard = no posts.

One week without my motherboard = insanity.

One week without my motherboard = going to the library to check my e-mail. Being somewhat relieved that there was no vital information, just spam.

One week without my motherboard = FINALLY OVER